In this super-busy world, it is not a new thing to experience fatigue. With the excessive mental pressure of meeting deadlines and striking a work-life balance, most people find it difficult to relax. Up to this was agreeable, but guess where it gets wrong? The fatigue being persistent without any specific reason! Here lies the need to seek help from a medical professional. While you may be apparently ‘fine’, the feeling of exhaustion can slowly eat you away from within. Worry not – this blog will guide you through the major reasons behind such tiredness. It will aid you in obtaining prompt medical action and managing the condition better. Read below to learn more.
An overview of fatigue
Fatigue is a term that denotes a feeling of extreme low energy levels and tiredness. You must not confuse it with sleepiness, although it is one of the prime symptoms. Fatigue is much more than that, characterised by an overall lack of motivation. Several factors may influence this, such as poor food choices, a sedentary lifestyle, existing mental health complications, and more.
Top seven reasons that are draining your energy: Explained
It is a condition when you have insufficient red blood cells. RBCs are responsible for transporting iron and haemoglobin through the bloodstream. When you are anaemic, you will usually feel more tired and cold. The prime characteristic is pale and whitish skin – this happens due to suboptimal oxygen supply. You can conveniently opt for private blood testing in London to check if you have anaemia.
Lyme disease
It is caused due to the bite of an infected tick. The chances become high if you spend more time in grass-covered or wooded areas. Some of the prime symptoms are fever, chills, body aches, headache, and neck stiffness. Also, you may experience swollen lymph nodes and skin rashes.
Epstein Barr Virus
Shortly known as the EBV, it is one of the most common members of the herpes virus family. It spreads through body fluids, primarily saliva and may cause other illnesses, too. Teens and adults are the most affected ones from this virus. The symptoms generally subside within a few weeks or months; however, some may experience them for prolonged periods. This is typically indicative of a weakened immune system.
Chronic Kidney disease
When your kidneys do not work well, toxins can accumulate in the blood, making you feel tired and weaker. Also, if not treated on time, kidney damage can lead to a drop in RBC count. Thus, it is better to get a blood test as soon as possible in any of your nearby diagnostic clinics.
Liver failure
The liver is a vital organ, performing a multitude of physiological functions. Also, it is responsible for synthesising necessary proteins and hormones. If you have an advanced liver disease, you will face exhaustion most of the time. Sometimes, this can be due to an underlying medical condition, external stress factors or a combination of both.
A hypoactive thyroid
It is medically termed as ‘hypothyroidism’, a condition when you produce too little thyroid hormone. Some key characteristics are persistent tiredness, weight fluctuations, muscle soreness and dry skin. It is more common in women, and the chances increase as one ages.
High Blood Sugar
Also known as diabetes, it is a chronic ailment that indicates disrupted metabolism. The food you eat is broken down into glucose by the action of insulin. In simple terms, it is responsible for turning the food into energy. However, when this metabolism gets impaired, blood sugar rises uncontrollably. One of the best ways to determine if you have diabetes is to get a blood analysis.
Why is getting a blood test essential to managing run-down symptoms?
Exhaustion or fatigue is a sign of various potential diseases, and one of the best ways to determine the cause is by taking a blood test. Blood tests can assist in identifying the underlying cause of the problem, providing you with the necessary information to receive appropriate treatment or adjust your lifestyle to improve your well-being.
A step-by-step guide to obtaining blood tests in London
Once your doctor has prescribed a blood test, simply order online through the secure payment option or contact a team member. After this, you need to visit the primary walk-in center, preferably on the same day, to get your blood sample collected. An experienced phlebotomist will assist you in this step. After drawing the blood, the sample will be sent to a clinical laboratory for analysis purposes.
The time it takes to receive your results will vary depending on the test you choose. As soon as they are ready, your results will be sent directly to you via email within the specified timeframe. If you wish to receive a printed copy of your results by mail, that can also be arranged for you.
Several healthcare centres in the UK facilitate comprehensive blood tests, one of them being thePrivate Blood Test London. Here, you can obtain reliable, hassle-free diagnostic tests, such as hormone profiling, besides blood analysis. And the best part is that all these are available at affordable prices. So, do not sit back if you are abnormally feeling down for long periods. Book a timed consultation and embark on obtaining enhanced health outcomes!